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Chinese glass objects are often thickly made as can be seen from the top of this bottle. This makes them quite heavy.
Height: 16.5 cm, diameter: 7.8 cm, neck diameter: 3.6 cm
Engraved four-character mark of Qianlong reign (1736-1795) in a ground-out square
Chinese Description:
橄欖瓶 中国,清乾隆朝(1736-1795) 这形制的玻璃瓶称为「橄榄瓶」。 玻璃 磨蚀方框内刻有「乾隆年制」四字Creator: Unknown
Date: Qianlong reign period (1736-1795)
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4763
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