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Bronze beaker (gu)

This beaker is over 3,000 years old. Collectors in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties thought ancient bronze vessels made good flower vases as they had been buried in the ground for hundreds of years. It was thought this would help keep flowers fresh for longer. Glass vases in the style of ancient bronzes became fashionable in the 18th century (1700-1800).
Bronze, cast
Chinese Description:
青铜觚 中国,商代,约公元前 1100 年 这青铜觚见证了三千多年的历史。明(1368-1644)、清(1644-1911)两朝的收藏家认为青铜器长年埋于地下为上等花器。十八世纪时,将玻璃器皿制成青铜器的样式蔚为时尚。 青铜,模铸Creator: Unknown
Date: About 1100 B.C., Shang Dynasty
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N7851
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