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Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1783 – 1784; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive. Muster roll no: 126.
Muster roll for the ship, the Hermit, from St Vincents, Caribbean 1783. This muster roll gives details for the Usual Place of Abode. Instead of Bristol, it gives the streets where the crew lived or lodged, such as Welsh Back, Kings Street, Princes Street and Pipe Lane: nearly all of them close to the docks in Bristol.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: 1783
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
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