Books and journal articles relating to Chinese glass
An Jiayao 1987. Early Chinese Glassware, The Oriental Ceramic Society Translations Number Twelve. Translated by Matthew Henderson. Hong Kong and London: The Oriental Ceramic Society.
An Jiayao 1996. ‘Ancient glass trade in Southeast Asia’. In Ancient Trades and Cultural Contacts in Southeast Asia. Bangkok: National Culture Commission, 127-138
An Jiayao 2004. ‘The Art of Glass Along the Silk Road’. In Watt, J.C.Y. (ed.), China. Dawn of a Golden Age, 200-750 AD. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 57-66
Brill, R.H. 1962. ‘A note on the scientist’s definition of glass’, Journal of Glass Studies, 1962 (4). Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass, 127-138
Brill, R.H. & Martin J.H. 1991. Scientific Research in Early Chinese Glass. Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass
Brill, R.H. 1999. Chemical Analyses of Early Glasses (2 volumes). Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass
Brown, C. & Rabiner, D. 1990. Clear as Crystal, Red as Flame: Later Chinese Glass. New York: China House Gallery, China Institute in America
Caley, E.R. 1962. Analyses of Ancient Glasses. Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass
Curtis, E.B. 1997. ‘European Contributions to the Chinese Glass of the Early Qing Period’. Journal of Glass Studies, 1997 (39). Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass, 91-101
Curtis, E.B. 2001. ‘A Plan of the Emperors Glassworks’. Arts Asiatiques, 2001 (56). Paris, 81-90
Francis, P. Jr. 2002. Asia’s Maritime Bead Trade. 300 B.C. to the Present. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press
Glover, I. & Henderson, J. 1995. ‘Early Glass in South East Asia and China’. In Scott, R. & Guy, J. (eds.) South East Asia & China: Art, Interaction and Commerce. Colloquies on Art & Arcaheology in Asia No. 17. London: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, University of London, 141-170
Hardie, P. 1983. ‘The Origins of Chinese Carved Overlay Glass’. Journal of Glass Studies, 1983 (25). Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass, 231-237
Hardie, P. 1986. ‘The Earliest Glass in China’. International Congress of Asian and North African Studies, 32. Hamburg, 132-2
Hardie, P. 1990. ‘Chinese Glass of the Ming and Qing Dynasties’. International Ceramic Fair and Seminar, 8-14
Hardie, P. 1990-91. ‘Chinese Glass of the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties’. Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, 55. London, 9-28
Hardie, P. 1996. ‘Glass in China – Questions and Some Answers’. Vormen uit Vuur, 158. Leiden: Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrienden van Ceramiek en Glas, 2-14
Hardie, P. 1998. ‘Mamluk Glass from China?’. In Ward, R. (ed.), Gilded and Enamelled Glass from the Middle East, (Papers from British Museum conference, 1995). London: British Museum Press, 80-90
Hardie, P. 1998. ‘Chinese Glass: the Qianlong Conundrum’. Oriental Art, 44 (2). 16-19
Hardie, P. 2000. ‘Foucquet’s List of Kangxi Glass’. Journal of Glass Studies, 2000 (42). Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass, 167-169
Henderson, J. 1985. ‘The raw materials of early glass production’, The Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 4 (3). Oxford, 267-291
Henderson, J., Wood, N. & Tregear. M. 1989. ‘The Relationship Between Glass, Enamel and Glaze Technologies – Two Case Studies’. In McGovern, P.E., Notis, M.D. & Kingery, W.D. (eds.) Cross-craft and Cross-cultural Interactions in Ceramics: Ceramics and Civilization, Vol. IV. Westerville, OH: The American Ceramic Society. Inc., 315-336
Lam, P.Y.K. 2000. ‘The Glasshouse of the Qing Imperial Household Department’. In Hui, H.K.F. & Lam, P.Y.K. (eds.) Elegance and Radiance: Grandeur in Qing Glass. Hong Kong: The Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 37-59 (Also in Chinese in the same volume).
Liefkes, R. (ed.) 1997. Glass. London: Victoria & Albert Museum
Miksic, J. 1995. ‘14th Century Chinese Glass Found in Singapore and the Riall Archipelago’ in Scott, R. & Guy, J. (eds.) South East Asia & China: Art, Interaction and Commerce. Colloquies on Art & Arcaheology in Asia No. 17. London: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, University of London, 252-273
Shi Meiguang, He Ouli & Zhou Fuzheng 1987. ‘Investigation on some Chinese potash glasses excavated in Han dynasty tombs’. In Bhardwaj, H.C. (ed.) Archaeometry of Glass. Proceedings of the Archaeometry Session of the XIV International Congress On Glass 1986, New Delhi, India. Calcutta, 15-20
Shi Meiguang, He Ouli, Wu Zongdao & Zhou Fuzheng 1991. ‘Investigations of some ancient Chinese lead glasses’. In Brill, R.H. & Martin, J.H. (eds.) Scientific Research in Early Chinese Glass, Ch. 3. Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass, 27-30.
Shi Meiguang, Li Yinde and Zhou Fuzheng 1992. ‘Some new glass finds in China’, Journal of Glass Studies, 34, 1992. Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass, 23-26
Shi Meiguang & Zhou Fuzheng 1999. ‘Some Chinese glasses of the Qing dynasty’, Journal of Glass Studies, 35, 1999. Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass, 102-105
Watson, O. 1998. ‘Pottery and glass: lustre and enamel’. In Ward, R. (ed.) Gilded and Enamelled Glass from the Middle East. London: British Museum Press, 15-19
Zhang Fukang 1986a. ‘Origin and development of early Chinese glasses’. In Bhardwaj, H.C. (ed.) Archaeometry of Glass. Calcutta: Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, 25-28
Zhang Fukang 1986b. ‘The Development of Ancient Chinese Glazes and Decorative Ceramic Colors’. In Scientific and Technological Insights on Ancient Chinese Pottery and Porcelain. Beijing: Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Science Press, 46-54
Zhang Fukang, Cheng Zhuhai & Zhang Zhigang 1986. ‘An Investigation of Ancient Chinese “Liuli”’. In Scientific and Technological Insights on Ancient Chinese Pottery and Porcelain. Beijing: Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Science Press, 91-99
Zhang Fukang 1991. ‘Scientific Studies of Early Glasses Excavated in China’. In Brill, R.H. & Martin, J.H. (eds.) Scientific Research in Early Chinese Glass. Corning, NY: The Corning Museum of Glass, 157-165
Zhang Rong (compiled by) 2005. Luster of Autumn Water. Glass of the Qing Imperial Workshop. Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House
Zhang Weiyong 2000. ‘The Imperial Workshops of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Boshan Glass Works’ In Hui, H.K.F. & Lam, P.Y.K. (eds.) Elegance and Radiance: Grandeur in Qing Glass. Hong Kong: The Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 71-77 (also in Chinese in the same volume)
Books and articles in Chinese
An Jiayao 1984. ‘Zhongguo de zaoqi liuli qimin (Early Glass in China)’. Kaogu Xuebao 1984 (4), 413-448
Han Han 1998. Zhongguo gu boli ( Chinese Antique Glass) Tainan
Jiang Xuanyi ‘Gudai liuli (Ancient Glass and Glazes)’. Wenwu 1959 (6), 8-10
Mills, P. & Kerr, R. 1999. ‘(A Study of Ruby-Pink Enamels on Chinese Porcelain: with a Comparison of Chinese Pink Glass, and European Pink Enamels of Ceramics)’. In Guo Jingkun (ed.), (ISAC ’99), 1999 (4) , Shanghai Science Press, 258-266
Yang Boda 1987. Zhongguo meishu quanji, gongyi meishu bian 10 : jinyin boli falang qi (Gems of Chinese Art, Craft 10 : Gold, Silver, Glass & Enamel). Beijing: Wenwu Press