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Figure of the Bodhisattva Guanyin

Figure of the Bodhisattva Guanyin


Guanyin is a Buddhist saint (Bodhisattva) who represents compassion and mercy. She was said to ‘hear the cries of the world’. She was popular with women who prayed to her for children, especially sons. Here Guanyin is shown kneeling, holding a bottle containing the nectar of long life. The clear glass seems to glow, perhaps it would have allowed worshippers to reflect on Guanyin’s power and purity.

Glass, piece-moulded, some wheel-cut detail
Height: 11.2 cm, diameter: 7.1 cm, neck diameter: 4.3 cm
Four-character mark of the Qianlong (1736-1795), possibly added later

Chinese Description:

观音像 中国,清代,约十八至十九世纪 这尊跪姿观音像,手持甘露净瓶,晶莹的玻璃令塑像彷似浑身透光。佛教诸多菩萨中,观世音菩萨广听世人苦难,立志普度众生,代表慈爱。其化身送子观音,更深为女善信所敬仰。 玻璃,铸模,部份经轮刻加工 刻有「乾隆御制」四字,或为后人所加

Creator: Unknown

Date: 1700-1800, Qing dynasty

Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives

Object ID:N4621

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