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The dark red and orange of this piece may have been designed to look like realgar (arsenic sulphide) because in the past people in China believed that realgar was good for the health. They drank small amounts of it diluted in drinks.

Height: 10.0 cm, width: 5.5 cm, diameter: 3.5 cm

Chinese Description:

仿雄黄玻璃瓶 中国,清代,约1800-1900 过去中国人以雄黄 (硫化砷)为驱瘟解毒、延年益寿的药材,甚至以酒稀释作饮料。其实,雄黄是一种矿物质,颜色暗红与橙黄交错,这只玻璃瓶正模效其斑斓的纹理。 玻璃

Creator: Unknown

Date: 1800-1900, Qing dynasty

Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives

Object ID:N4741

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