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Vase, red, in ancient style

This vase copies the shape of ancient bronze vessels called gu from the time of the Shang dynasty (about 1500 B.C. to about 1050 B.C.). The bronze ritual vessels were made originally to hold wine. The band around the centre has been made to look like a cord.
Glass, blown
Height: 19.3 cm, diameter: 12.8 cm, base diameter: 8.0 cm
Chinese Description:
玻璃觚 中国,清朝,约 1700-1730 这玻璃觚的造型取材于商代(约公元前 1500- 1050年)用于祭礼的盛酒器—青铜觚。其雕工细致,觚腹纹饰仿如绳索而成捆绑似的。 玻璃,吹制Creator: Unknown
Date: 1700-1730, Qing dynasty
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4648
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