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Muster roll

Muster roll


Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 175.

Muster roll for the ship, the Phoenix, sailing from Africa and Barbados, 1748.
The Phoenix started for Angola, West Africa, with orders to buy 400 slaves. The number actually bought is not known, but 280 were sold at Barbados.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1748

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll


Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 183.

Muster roll for the ship, the Africa, sailing from Bristol to the Coast of Africa and back to Bristol again, 1748.
The Africa sailed for the cost of Africa. The number of slaves bought there is not known, but 180 were sold at Jamaica.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1748

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll


Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 173.

Muster roll for the ship, the City of Cork, sailing from Antigua, 1748.
The City of Cork was one of many merchant ships supplying the colonies with manufactured goods and shipping slave-grown commodities back to Britain . Amongst the crew on this ship, is one Cork, a Negro from Cork, Ireland.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.

Date: 1748

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll


Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 118.

Muster roll for the ship, the Michael (?), sailing from Jamaica, 1747.
The Michael was one of many merchant ships supplying the colonies with manufactured goods and foodstuffs. Amongst the crew is Japher Bird, probably the same man who went on to be master of two slaving voyages in the ship, the Hound in 1750 and the ship, the Matilda in 1753.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1747

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll


Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 166.

Muster roll of the ship, the Duke of Queensbury, sailing for Africa and Jamaica, to return to Bristol, 1747.
The Duke of Queensbury sailed to Africa with orders to buy 480 slaves. The number actually bought is not known, but 373 were sold at Jamaica. The crew included Free Essex, a negroe. His name implies that he was a free man. His usual place of abode is given as Bristol.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.

Date: 1747

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll


Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 109.

Muster roll for the ship, the Fanny, sailing from Bristol to Africa and America, 1747.
The Fanny sailed for the Guinea coast, Africa. A small ship of only 60 tons, the master had orders to buy 200 slaves. The number actually bought is not known, but 169 were sold at Jamaica.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1747

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll


Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 112.

Muster roll for the ship, the Rainbow, which sailed from Bristol and to and from Africa and St Kitts in the Caribbean.
The Rainbow sailed for Africa with orders to buy 400 slaves. The number actually bought here and sold at St Kitts is not known. Amongst the crew is one Thomas Quaco, a free black sailor who had previously sailed on the slaving ship, the Emperor.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1748

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll


Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 93.

Muster roll for the ship, the Scipio, sailing from Jamaica, 1747.
The Scipio was one of many merchant ships supplying the colonies with manufactured goods and foodstuffs. The crew includes Negro Othello, who had sailed on the Scipio before. He may have been a free sailor, or he may have belonged to the captain, William Rice. Another sailor, taken on for the run home to Bristol, was Cato Cathcart of Jamaica. The name Cato was often given to slaves: he may have been a freed slave, now working as a free sailor.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.

Date: 1747

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll


Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 96.

Muster roll for the ship, the Indian Prince, 1747.
The Indian Prince sailed for Calabar in West Africa with orders to buy 340 slaves. The number actually bought is not known, but 269 were sold at Jamaica. Owen Jones, ship’s cooper, on his first voyage, died at Calabar.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1747

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll detail


Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 84.

Detail of muster roll for the ship, the Marlborough, sailing for Africa and St Christophers, in the Caribbean, 1748.
Amongst the crew is listed a Negroe Boy of Bristol. He had sailed on the Marlborough before. He may have been a slave belonging to the captain, although possibly he was free.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.

Date: 1748

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

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