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Account of enslavement

An account of an enslaved African called Catsan of how he was enslaved, as told to a young boy in England. The family of the boy owned a plantation in Jamaica. Catsan had been taken to Guadaloupe, a French island in the Caribbean. He was then taken to France. Returning to Guadaloupe, he was shipwrecked off the English coast and earned a living as best he could.When he went blind, local people suported him with a cottage and some money to live on.Page 19, taken from Memoirs of a West India Planter , by Rev john Riland, published by Hamittinb, Adams and Co. London, 1838.
Date: 1838
Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service
Object ID:BLS 326-9279-19
Account of enslavement

An account of an enslaved African called Catsan of how he was enslaved, as told to a young boy in England. The family of the boy owned a plantation in Jamaica. Catsan had been taken to Guadaloupe, a French island in the Caribbean. He was then taken to France. Returning to Guadaloupe, he was shipwrecked off the English coast and earned a living as best he could.When he went blind, local people suported him with a cottage and some money to live on.
Page 18, taken from Memoirs of a West India Planter , by Rev john Riland, published by Hamittinb, Adams and Co. London, 1838.
Date: 1838
Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service
Object ID:BLS 326-9279-18
Table of costs for an estate on Barbados

Table of costs for an estate on the island of Barbados, 1822, showing output of sugar, input of labour and costs of slave labour.
Taken from The nature and Properties of the Sugar Cane with practical directions for the improvement of its culture, page 327. By George Richardson Porter, published by Smith, Elder and Co, London 1830.
Date: 1822
Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service
Object ID:BLS 633-61-9b
Snuff box from West Africa

Snuff box from West Africa.
Copyright: Copyright British Empire Commonwealth Mu

British flintlock gun made by Thomas Barnett of London, who made trade guns, flintlock muskets and rifles. This gun has a proof mark, which is an official stamp to say that the barrel had passed a saftey test.Gun makers were known to dump their seconds on the export market and there is anecdotal information about guns exploding when used. The gun has been adapted, or customised,by its West African owner and decorated with cloth, leather fringe, cowrie shells, brass bands, beads and seed pods.
Creator: Barnett of London
Copyright: Copyright British Empire Commonwealth Mu
Object ID:1992/011/004

Wooden mask of the Sande Society from the Mende people of Sierra Leone. The Sande mask is the only mask worn by women in Africa. Most societies are for men and their masks are all worn by men. This mask represents the ideal of feminine beauty for the Mende people.
Date: 20th century
Copyright: Copyright British Empire Commonwealth Mu
Carved ivory

Elephant’s tusk with carved decoration, from Nigeria, West Africa.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright British Empire Commonwealth Mu
Object ID:2000/084/718
Carved wooden stool

Carved wooden stool, made by the Asante people, Ghana. A stool is often given as a gift to mark important stages in a person’s life, such as marriage.
Creator: Asante
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright British Empire Commonwealth Mu
Object ID:T/GHAN/205
Ivory tapper

Carved ivory stick used for divination.Made by the Yoruba people, Nigeria.
Creator: Yoruba
Copyright: Copyright British Empire Commonwealth Mu
Object ID:T/NIGE/719

Clay pipe for smoking tobacco, from Jamaica in the Caribbean.
Copyright: Copyright British Empire Commonwealth Mu
Object ID:T/JAMA/40
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