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Adverts for runaway slaves

Adverts for runaway slaves in Caribbean newspaper, 1783. Miscellaneous Pinney, volume 1.
Date: 1783
Copyright: Lent to Bristol Museum and Art Gallery
Handbill for tea merchant

Handbill for Benjamin Payne, tea merchant, in London, advertising tea and china (in East India Co warehouse) for export. Miscellaneous Pinney, volume 1.
Copyright: Lent to Bristol Museum and Art Gallery
Slaves being punished

Phases in slave life – Property (slaves) being destroyed by mangling . From The White Slave or Negro life in the Slave States of America, by R Hildreth. This picture is from a book which tells the story of a mixed race slave in America.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright Bristol University
Innocent slave tried and hung

The Mode of Administering Justice in South Carolina . Slaves had raided a rice field for food. An innocent slave was accused of the crime and tried and hung by the plantation owner and his neighbours.From The White Slave or Negro life in the Slave States of America, by R Hildreth. This is a story about a mixed race slave in America. Published London, no date.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright Bristol University
Runaway slaves being hunted

Phases in slave life – Property (slaves) being hunted to desperation . Dogs were used to hunt and recover runaway slaves, who were seen as lost property . From The White Slave or Negro life in the Slave States of America, by R Hildreth. This is a story about a mixed race slave in America. Published London, no date.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright Bristol University
Slaves being burned

Phases in Slave Life – Property (slaves) being burned. Punishment of slaves for burning an overseers hut and killing a child . The slaves had been promised their freedom by the will of their master, but it was not given them and their anger turned against the overseer. They were hung and burnt alive for this crime. From The White Slave or Negro life in the Slave States of America, by R Hildreth. This is a story about a mixed race slave in America. Published London, no date.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright Bristol University
Slaves being driven to market

Phases in Slave life – Property (slaves) being driven to market From The White Slave or Negro life in the Slave States of America, by R Hildreth. This is a story about a mixed race slave in America. Published London, no date.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright Bristol University
Taking human commodity to slave market

Taking the human commodity to the Slave Market . From The White Slave or Negro life in the Slave States of America, by R Hildreth. This is a story about a mixed race slave in America. Published London, no date.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright Bristol University
Map of coast of Africa

A new and correct map of the cost of Africa , probably based on D’Anvilles map. From The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce . Translated from Monsieur Savary by Malachy Postlethwayt esq. Published London, 1757.
Date: 1757
Copyright: Copyright Bristol University
Africa trade/wage labour possibilities

Section from Africa entry, where the possibilities of trade in Africa are discussed and the possibility of using wage labour rather than slavery, with its problems. From The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. Translated from Monsieur Savary by Malachy Postlethwayt esq. Published London, 1757.
Date: 1757
Copyright: Copyright Bristol University
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