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Notice of Act for Abolition of Slavery

Notice of Act for the Abolition of Slavery


London Gazette , January – March 1834.
Notice of Act for the Abolition of Slavery and what it means from 1st Aug 1834. The notices says that all registered slaves six years and older, shall become apprenticed labourers.That slaves are freed and discahrged from all manner of slavery and that slavery will be abolished utterly . £20 million is to be paid in compensation to slave owners.

The slave owners and their supporters accepted the loss of their property (slaves) in return for compensation (money) from the government. Slave owners in Bristol received over £500,000 (worth about £25 million today); a vast sum at that time.

Date: Fri Mar 2nd, 1834

Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service

List of slaves

List of slaves from plantation


List detailing the hiring out of slaves from John Pinney’s plantation on Nevis,under the management of the overseer Joseph Gill. Slaves were often hired out by owners to other people.

John Pinney was a plantation owner and sugar agent who lived in Bristol.

Lent from a private collection to Bristol Museums.

Date: 1783-94

Copyright: Copyright Bristol University

Notice of Act for Abolition of Slavery

Notice of Act for the Abolition of Slavery


London Gazette , January – March 1834.
Notice of Act for the Abolition of Slavery and what it means from 1st Aug 1834. The notices says that all registered slaves six years and older, shall become apprenticed labourers.That slaves are freed and discahrged from all manner of slavery and that slavery will be abolished utterly . £20 million is to be paid in compensation to slave owners.

The slave owners and their supporters accepted the loss of their property (slaves) in return for compensation (money) from the government. Slave owners in Bristol received over £500,000 (worth about £25 million today); a vast sum at that time.

Date: Fri Mar 2nd, 1834

Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service

Notice to crew of HMS Victor

Notice to crew of HMS Victor


London Gazette , January – March 1834.
Notice to crew of the ship, the HMS Victor , regarding the amount of bounty to be paid to each level of crew for the capture of the slave ship, the Negrito , in 1832.

Date: Tues Mar 18, 1834

Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service

Notice of distribution of Bounty money

Notice of distribution of Bounty money


London Gazette , January – March 1834.
Notice of distribution of Bounty money to the crew of the ship, the HMS Victor , for the capture of the Spanish(?) slave ship, the Negrito , in 1832.

Date: Fri Feb 7 1834

Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service

Detail from plantation sale notice

Detail from plantation sale notice


London Gazette , January – March 1834.
Detail from the notice of sale of L’Union and Alliance sugar plantations in British Guiana, with joint gang of 146 slaves, property of Robert Patterson, deceased.

Date: Tues Mar 4th 1834

Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service

Notice of distribution of Bounty money

Notice of distribution of Bounty money


London Gazette , January – March 1834.
Notice of distribution of Bounty money to the crew of the ship, the HMS Charadis, for capture of a Spanish(?) slave ship, in 1833.

Date: Tues Jan 21 1834

Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service

Offer to tender for supplying Royal Navy

Offer to tender for supplying Royal Navy


London Gazette , January – March 1834.
Offer to tender for supplying Royal Navy with rum, tobacco, cocoa, wine, peas and cooperage (barrels) stores.

Chocolate was first used as a drink, sweetened with sugar to mask the bitter flavour of the chocolate. Later it was used for making eating chocolate. At this period, most people drank beer, wine or spirits. Water was not safe to drink, tea coffee and chocolate were expensive. Quakers promoted drinking chocolate as an alternative to alcohol.

Date: Tues Jan 7th 1834

Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service

Instructions to plantation overseer

Instructions regarding the treatment of slaves


Instructions written by John Pinney to his plantation overseer regarding the treatment of slaves on his plantation on the Caribbean island of Nevis. Pinney writes: they are the sinews of the plantation…Humanity tempered with justice towards the former [the slaves ] must ever be exercised. From the Index to the Pinney papers.

John Pinney was a plantation owner and sugar agent who lived in Bristol.

Date: 1793-94

Copyright: Lent to Bristol Museum and Art Gallery

Instructions from plantation owner

Instructions to overseer


Instructions to the overseer from the plantation owner, John Pinney, for the running of his plantation in his absence, on the Caribbean island of Nevis. The instructions are regarding the crops on the plantation. From the Index to the Pinney papers.

John Pinney was a plantation owner and sugar agent who lived in Bristol.

Date: 1783-94

Copyright: Lent to Bristol Museum and Art Gallery

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