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Articles of agreement

Articles of agreement


From ships’ muster roll book, 1793 – 1795; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive. Muster roll no: SMV 174.
Articles of agreement for the ship, the Swift , 1792.
The Swift left Bristol for Isle de los, Sierra Leone, carrying £6007.19s.2d worth of trade goods. Only 27 slaves were bought, and 124 were sold in Barbados.

See also muster roll for the ship, the Swift .

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors Hospital Fund (insurance).

Articles of agreement set out the terms and conditions of a voyage. The Articles was a standard printed form, listing the food rations and financial arrangements the crew would receive.

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1792

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Articles of agreement

Articles of agreement


From ships’ muster roll book, 1793 – 1795; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive. Muster roll no: SMV 175.
Articles of agreement for the ship, the Jupiter , 1792.
The Jupiter left Bristol for Bonny, West Africa. Reports give different numbers of slaves bought and sold. Either 379 or 389 had been taken across the Atlantic to Jamaica. 355 Eboe (an ethnic group) slaves were advertised in the local papers for sale.

See also muster roll for the ship, the Jupiter .

Articles of agreement set out the terms and conditions of a voyage. The Articles was a standard printed form, listing the food rations and financial arrangements the crew would receive.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1792

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Articles of agreement

Articles of agreement


From ships’ muster roll book, 1793 – 1795; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive. Muster roll no: SMV 173.
Articles of agreement for the ship, the Mermaid , 1792,
The ship, the Mermaid left Bristol for the Gambia, buying probably 159 slaves. The ship had 23 crew: 16 died of fever whilst on the African coast. 19 of the slaves died during a slave rebellion on board.
The 128 slaves who survived the Atlantic crossing were sold in Grenada.

See also muster roll for the ship, the Mermaid .

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors Hospital Fund (insurance).

Articles of agreement set out the terms and conditions of a voyage. The Articles was a standard printed form, listing the food rations and financial arrangements the crew would receive.

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1792

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Note about ship taken by French

Note about ship taken by French


From ships’ muster roll book, 1793 – 1795; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive. Muster roll no: SMV 170.
Note about the ship, the Royal Charlotte , 1794.
The Royal Charlotte left Bristol for Africa and Jamaica, with orders to buy 394 slaves. The ship was taken by the French on the voyage to Africa, and no muster roll was available.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1794

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Articles of agreement

Articles of agreement


From ships’ muster roll book, 1793 – 1795; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive. Muster roll no: SMV 171.
Articles of Agreement for the ship, the Favourite , 1792.
The Favourite left Bristol bound for Calabar in West Africa. 156 enslaved Africans were carried to Jamaica, with 38 dying before the ship left Africa, or on the Atlantic voyage.

See also muster roll for the ship, the Favourite .

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors Hospital Fund (insurance).

Articles of agreement set out the terms and conditions of a voyage. The Articles was a standard printed form, listing the food rations and financial arrangements the crew would receive.

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1792

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Articles of agreement

Articles of agreement


From ships’ muster roll book, 1793 – 1795; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive. Muster roll no: SMV 160.
Articles of Agreement for the ship, the Pilgrim. The ship left Bristol for Bonny in West Africa and carried probably 419 enslaved Africans to St Vincent. Reports show that 15 or 16 died during the voyage.
The crew is a very mixed one, with sailors from Bristol, Gloucester, Chippenham, Pensford and Kingswood locally. There are also crew from London, Wales, Cumberland, Edinburgh, Oxford, America, Norway, Denmark, Spain and Anguilla.

See also muster roll for the ship, the Pilgrim .

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors Hospital Fund (insurance).

Articles of agreement set out the terms and conditions of a voyage. The Articles was a standard printed form, listing the food rations and financial arrangements the crew would receive.

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1793

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Custom house accounts book

Custom house accounts book


Custom house accounts book for wharfage payments, 1729 – 1730.
Wharfage was a duty payable on all goods imported and exported. Goods outwards (exports) are listed simply as goods . Imports include wine, tobacco, sugar, cotton, ginger, ivory (elephants’ teeth), molasses and aloes. Each barrel or bale was subject to a tax.

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1729 - 1730

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll


From ledger of ships’ muster roll, 29th September 1793 – 29th September 1794; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll for the ship, the Pan , from St Christophers, 1793. Trade between Bristol and the Caribbean islands made up a large part of Bristol’s trade.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1793

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster roll

Muster roll


From ledger of ships’ muster roll, 29th September 1793 – 29th September 1794; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll for the ship, the Cleveland , from Africa, 1793.
Slave ships usually carried a large crew. With only five crew, and coming direct from Africa to Bristol, the Cleveland may have been a supply ship to slaving ships, or a wood ship; buying tropical hardwoods for the timber trade or a shipyard.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1793

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

Muster rolls

Muster rolls


From ledger of ships’ muster roll, 29th September 1793 – 29th September 1794; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster rolls for the ship, the Fanny.
The Fanny sailed for Sierra Leone, and shipped 232 slaves to Barbados and Jamaica. It seems that only two died on the voyage; a very low number, especially for voyages organised by James Rogers.

The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors Hospital Fund (insurance).

The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.

Date: 1792

Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers

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