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Commemorative medallion

One side of a commemorative medallion, celebrating the abolition of the slave trade, 1807. The medallion features William Wilberforce, leading Abolitionist in the campaign to end the slave trade. The medallion reads William Wilberforce MP the friend of Africa
Date: 1807
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:0.4258
Commemorative medallion

One side of a commemorative medallion, celebrating the abolition of the slave trade, 1807. The medallion reads I have heard their cry. Slave trade abolished 1807.
Date: 1807
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:0.4258
Whiteladies Road

Modern day view of Whiteladies Road, Bristol. Local myth has it that this was where fashionable ladies promenaded with their black slaves in attendance.It is possible that the road ran alongside the grounds belonging to a convent. The name might come from the white habits worn by the nuns. The origins of the name is still debated.
Creator: BCC Museum
Date: 2003
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Harlot’s Progress

Harlot’s Progress , by Hogarth. Shows slave wearing a silver slave collar
Creator: Hogarth
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Tobacconists trade card

Trade card for Stansfield and Co, tobacconist, Superfine tobacco.
Reproduced with kind permission of Wills (now Imperial Tobacco).
Creator: Stansfield and Co
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright, Imperial Tobacco
South East Bristol.

Engraving, Buck’s The South East Prospect of the City of Bristol.
Creator: Buck
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Outer courtyard of Dixcove fort

Outer courtyard of Dixcove fort, near Cape Coast, Ghana, West Africa
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Sugar nippers

Sugar nippers. Sugar was bought as a whole loaf or as broken pieces. In the home, sugar nippers were needed to break the pieces into smaller bits.
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum Outreach

Trade card of F.N. Watkins, baker, Bristol. Traders supplied food for slaving ventures.
Creator: FN Watkins
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
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