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Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 94.
Muster roll for the ship, the Amoretta, sailing from Africa and Virginia, 1748.
The Amoretta sailed for the Bight of Benin in Africa, with instructions to buy 260 slaves. The number actually bought is not known: 185 were sold at Virginia, USA.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: 1748
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 87.
Muster roll for the ship, the Alexander, sailing from Bristol to Africa and Jamaica and Bristol, 1748.
The Alexander sailed for the Gold Coast in West Africa with orders to buy 450 slaves. The number actually bought is not known, but 405 were sold at Jamaica. The cost of the voyage was reported as £8,500 for equipping the ship and buying trade goods (about £450,000 at today’s values).
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: 1748
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 80.
Muster roll for the ship, the Lucia, sailing from Jamaica, 1749.
The Lucia was one of many merchant ships supplying the colonies. Like most merchant ships, the crew was discharged in Jamaica whilst the master waited to unload and sell the cargo he had brought and find and load a new cargo for the voyage home. On this voyage, Padstow, a black , from Bristol made the round journey of 9 1/2 months. Was he a free black sailor or did he belong to the captain? Taken on in Jamaica for the return journey to Bristol were five blacks and two blacks more.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: 1749
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 86.
Muster roll for the ship, the Marlborough, sailing from St Christophers, on St Kitts in the Caribbean, 1749.
This was the 11th of 14 slaving voyages. Where the ship went in Africa, how many slaves were bought there and how many were sold at St Kitts is not known.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: 1749
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 79.
Muster roll for the ship, the Emperor, sailing from Africa and St Kitts, in the Caribbean, 1748.
The Emperor sailed for Angola in West Africa with orders to buy 500 slaves. The number actually bought there and sold at St Kitts is not known.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: 1749
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 78.
Muster roll for the ship, True Blue, sailing from Jamaica, 1749.
The True Blue was one of many merchant ships supplying the colonies with manufactured goods and foodstuffs. At the end of the list is Scipio, presumably an African, possibly a free black sailor. As he had sailed on the True Blue before, he may possibly have been the property of the captain, John Collinall.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: 1749
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 77.
Muster roll for the ship, the Peggy, 1748.
Where the Pegg y went to in Africa and how many slaves were bought and how many were sold in the Americas is not known. The muster roll includes a column for complexion, but this seems to be referring to hair colour rather than skin colour, as the entire crew are noted as browne or blacke.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: 1748
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 75.
Detail of muster roll of the ship, the Handy, sailing from Dublin.
The crew list includes Isaac Truail, Colston’s Hospital boy. Isaac must have been from one of the charity schools established by Edward Colston, a Bristol-born merchant and benefactor, who had been a member of the Royal African Company.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: 1748 - 1749
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 47.
Muster roll for the ship, the Jason, 1748.
The Jason, a large ship of 200 tons, sailed for Angola in West Africa, with a crew of 67 to look after the 600 slaves that were to be bought. The number actually bought in is not known: 340 were sold at Jamaica.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: 1748
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Muster roll

Ships’ muster rolls from 1748 – 1749; Society of Merchant Venturers’ archive.
Muster roll no: 67.
Muster roll for the ship, the Koulikhan, sailing from Jamaica, 1749.
The Koulikhan was one of many merchant ships supplying the colonies with manufactured goods and foodstuffs. At the bottom of the list, Two Boys Under Age and One Negroe Boy have been crossed out, probably because as boys, they did not have to pay the insurance money.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors’ Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: 1749
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers