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Black Castle, Arnos Court, Bristol

Modern day view of Black Castle, Arnos Court, Bristol. Black building blocks made of slag, a by-product of the brass industry.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum

Manillas were brass bracelet-shaped objects used by Europeans in trade with West Africa, from about the 16th century to the 1930s. They were made in Europe, perhaps based on and African original.Once Bristol entered the African trade, manillas were made locally for export to West Africa.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:Ea 8076-7, 12183-4, 12187-8, Ea 12186, 12189
Painting detail from Southwell Frigate

Detail from the right hand side of the painting The Southwell Frigate Tradeing on ye Coast of Africa (c. 1760) by Nicholas Pocock. This detail shows the Bristol slave ship anchored just off the West African shore. The ship’s captain is being carried ashore from the rowing boat. The crew are unloading the goods which will be used for trading with the Africans. One box being carried ashore has Bristol printed on the side of it.
Nicholas Pocock was an artist and sailor who drew pictures of ships, featuring slave trading on the coast of Africa.
Creator: Nicholas Pocock
Date: c. 1760
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:M669
Page from the accounts book

Accounts book from the Bristol slave ship, the Africa, for her first voyage in 1774. This is the second page of the accounts book listing some of the cargo on the ship. The goods listed here are cloths from India which were taken to Africa to be traded. The Indian names for the different types of cloth are used.
Date: 1774
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Battery pan

The Bristol brass works produced goods specifically aimed at the Guinea trade. Batteryware was literally battered or hammered into shape from flat sheets of brass.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:T 9173
Extract from catalogue

Extract from catalogue. Articles suitable to the African Trade. Neville Bath, Cutler, Hardware and Toyman, from catalogue.
Creator: Neville Bath, Cutler, Hardware and Toyman
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service
Wapping, Bristol

Wapping, Bristol, by Nicholas Pocock (c. 1760)
Nicholas Pocock was an artist and sailor who drew pictures of ships, featuring slave trading on the coast of Africa.
Creator: Nicholas Pocock
Date: c. 1760
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:M 3022
The Southwell Frigate

Painting, The Southwell Frigate Tradeing on ye Coast of Africa (c. 1760) by Nicholas Pocock. This painting shows a Bristol slave ship trading on the coast of West Africa. The central sections of the painting show views of the ship at sea. The details on the left and the right depict scenes showing the ship’s captain and crew arriving on land. The detail on the left shows the captain doing business with his African trading partner and the one on the right shows the crew unloading trade goods.
Nicholas Pocock was an artist and sailor who drew pictures of ships, featuring slave trading on the coast of Africa.
Creator: Nicholas Pocock
Date: c. 1760
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:M669
Trade card of Joseph Haynes

White servants (called indentured labourers) and African slaves working on a plantation, from a trade card of Joseph Haynes of London.
Reproduced with kind permission of Wills (now Imperial Tobacco).
Creator: Joseph Haynes
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright, Imperial Tobacco