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Detail from painting

Detail of Thomas Chatterton, 1752-1770, from a 1930 painting entitled Some Who Made Bristol Famous by Ernest Board. Chatterton was a poet who forged 15th-century verse.
Creator: Ernest Board
Date: 1930
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:K917
Detail from painting

Detail of Robert Southey, 1774-1843, from a 1930 painting entitled Some Who Made Bristol Famous by Ernest Board. Southey was an author and Poet Laureate (appointed to write poems for state occassions.
Creator: Ernest Board
Date: 1930
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:K917
Detail from painting

Detail of Lord John Lawrence, 1811-1879, from a 1930 painting entitled Some Who Made Bristol Famous by Ernest Board. Lawrence was Governor-general of India.
Creator: Ernest Board
Date: 1930
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:K917
Detail from painting

Detail of William Henry Wills, Lord Winterstoke,1830-1911, from a 1930 painting entitled Some Who Made Bristol Famous by Ernest Board. Wills was a tobacco manufacturer, benefactor, builder of the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery.
Creator: Ernest Board
Date: 1930
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:K917
Detail from painting

Detail of Edward Colston,1636-1721, from a 1930 painting entitled Some Who Made Bristol Famous by Ernest Board. Colston was a merchant and charitable donator. He was an offical on the board of a London-based trading company called the Royal African Company, which had control over the early trade with Africa, including that in slaves.Colston was also a prominant sugar merchant with interests in the Caribbean island of St. Kitts.
Creator: Ernest Board
Date: 1930
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:K917
Detail from painting

Detail of Alderman John Whitson,1557-1629, from a 1930 painting entitled Some Who Made Bristol Famous by Ernest Board. Whitson was a merchant and founded the Red Maids School in Bristol
Creator: Ernest Board
Date: 1930
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:K917
Detail from painting

Detail of George Muller,1805-1898, from a 1930 painting entitled Some Who Made Bristol Famous by Ernest Board. He was a Pastor and philanthropist, and founded Ashley Down Orphanage in Bristol.
Creator: Ernest Board
Date: 1930
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:K917
Detail from painting

Detail of Mary Carpenter,1807-1877, from a 1930 painting entitled Some Who Made Bristol Famous by Ernest Board. Carpenter was a social reformer in England and India, and opened a girls reformatory school at the Red Lodge in Bristol.
Creator: Ernest Board
Date: 1930
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:K917
Detail from painting

Detail of Joseph Fry,1728-1787, from a 1930 painting entitled Some Who Made Bristol Famous by Ernest Board. Fry was a Quaker, dispensing chemist, chocolate and cocoa manufacturer.Cocoa was drunk as a bitter drink sweented with
sugar. Used also to make chocolate, cocoa was grown on the slave planations in the Caribbean and brought to Bristol for processing. Even though Fry’s business was partly dependant on the slaves, he was an Abolitionist – he was against the slave trade.
Chocolate was first used as a drink, sweetened with sugar to mask the bitter flavour of the chocolate. Later it was used for making eating chocolate. At this period, most people drank beer, wine or spirits. Water was not safe to drink, tea coffee and chocolate were expensive. Quakers promoted drinking chocolate as an alternative to alcohol.
Creator: Ernest Board
Date: 1930
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:K917
Detail from painting

Detail from Richard Reynolds,1735-1816, from a 1930 painting entitled Some Who Made Bristol Famous by Ernest Board. Reynolds was a Quaker (a religious group which split away from the Church of England). He was an iron manufacturer and charitable donator.
Creator: Ernest Board
Date: 1930
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:K917
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