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Seaman’s certificate

Part of a letter to the Trustees of the Seaman’s Hospital, undated but probably 1772, no.50b. Robert Barker, carpenter on the Thetis for a slaving voyage to Africa, lost his sight due to ‘a distemper raging among the slaves and crew’. He was granted a pension of 3/6d a week, but this was stopped after he published a pamphlet accusing the captain of the Thetis of cruelty. This is a letter, backed by sworn witness statements, asking for the restoration of the pension as Barker was in great need.
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Creator: Seamens' Hospital
Date: 1756-60
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Object ID:50b
Lock of Edward Colstons hair

Lock of Edward Colstons hair.Colston was a prominent sugar merchant and an official on the board of London-based trading company,the Royal African Company.
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Account of meeting

Account of an anti-abolition meeting held at Merchants’ Hall.
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Creator: Society of Merchant Venturers
Date: 1789
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
The unhappy case of William Couzings

The unhappy case of William Couzings
A leaflet published to complain at the treatment of a blind sailor by the Sailors Hospital Fund administered by the Society of Merchant Venturers. Cuzzins or Couzings had been awarded a pension after he lost his sight, but the Trustees later stopped it. Cuzzins published a leaflet complaining about this, presumably in the hopes of getting public support for the restoration of the pension.
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Creator: Seamens' Hospital
Date: 1756-60
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Object ID:50J
Muster Rolls

SMV Muster Rolls 1748-51, August 1748 number 77., muster roll which mentions complexion of sailors on ship Peggy , Captain Fox.
Detail of muster roll for the ship, the Peggy, 1748.
Where the Peggy went to in Africa and how many slaves were bought and how many were sold in the Americas is not known. The muster roll detail shows a column for complexion, but this seems to be referring to hair colour rather than skin colour, as the entire crew are noted as browne or blacke.
The muster roll is a list of all crew signed on for all or part of a voyage, which was used to calculate the money each man should pay to the Sailors Hospital Fund (insurance).
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Creator: Captain Fox
Date: 1748-51
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Object ID:1748, #77
Petitions by seamen

Petitions by seamen 1748-1795.
The Society of Merchant Venturers is a Bristol-based organisation, which was formed in 1552 as an elite body of merchants involved in overseas trade. The Society still exists today.
Date: 1748-1795
Copyright: Copyright The Society of Merchant Venturers
Claxton Resolution poster

Poster 1831: Claxton Resolution at anti slavery meeting. Christopher Claxton was an activist campaigning for the continuation of slavery.
Date: 1831
Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service
Object ID:B 22518
Frontispiece of Babay

Frontispiece to Babay, a true story of a good Negro Woman by Hannah More, about a black woman who took in an abandoned sick white orphan on St Kitts. When he grew up, his first earnings went to buy her freedom, and he always looked after her.Hannah More was an influential Bristolian who wrote poems against the slave trade.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Creator: Hannah More/ Ann Yearsley
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service
Object ID:BL3E1 - B17623
Sunday school teachers in Barbados

Photograph: Sunday school teachers in Barbados, from On Sea and Land by Case.
Creator: H W Case
Date: 1910
Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service
Page from log book of Black Prince.

First entry in the log book of the slave ship Black Prince , for a voyage to the Gold Coast.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Library Service
Object ID:B 4764
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