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Picking Cotton

Framed photograph: print Picking Cotton.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: unknown
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:66.78.14
Columbia School Master

Framed photograph: print, Columbia School Master .
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: unknown
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:66.78.16
A Dodge That Won’t Work

A Dodge That Won’t Work.
Print depicting Horace Greeley seeking the support of two black men.
Horace Greeley (1811 – 1872) was against slavery and during the 1850s, he supported the movement to prevent it continuing.
When the Civil War started, Greeley joined the Republican party’s antislavery faction.
He demanded an early end to slavery, which Lincoln anounced in his Emancipation Proclamation (announcement of the end of slavery).
After the war, Greeley joined the Congressional Radicals, who supported equality for freed slaves.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.51
Slave families sale (left detail)

Slave families sale notice (left detail),announcing the sale, in New Orleans, of families of slaves. The right detail of the notice is a Catalogue, or list, of 98 individuals to be sold. They are listed by name and age in family groupings, with brief comments as to their state of health.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: April 10th 1855
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:66.163
Model of sugar mill

Scale model of a steam-powered sugar cane mill, Florida. The sugar mill and boiler house worked 24 hours a day during harvest.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath

Framed Quaker letter of introduction from group in Pennsylvania to meeting of friends in Chesterfield in West New Jersey, America. Quakers belong to the Society of Friends, a non-conformist religious group, who prides itself on its moral and ethical outlooks.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:68.242
Slave handcuffs

Slave handcuffs, found by Mr and Mrs Thomas C Kennedy in the cellar of their old plantation house, Woodlawn near Richmond, Virginia, in America.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Creator: Mr and Mrs Thomas C Kennedy
Date: unknown
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:69.17
Poster against slave trade

Poster against the slave trade, produced by Abolitionists who campainged for the end of slavery, c1860.
The poster shows a kneeling figure of a slave in chains, with the words: Am I Not a Man and a Brother? Our Country Men in Chains, with verse by J G Whittier.
The poster may have come from an abolitionist Broadside (a propaganda Broadsheet against the slave trade).
The figure on this poster is the image of a kneeling black slave used by anti-slavery campaigners, or Abolitionists, as their logo. The kneeling slave is asking for help from his white brothers. This image was widely used to raise support and awareness for the campaign, it appears on many items, from pamphlets through to china plates.
The enslaved Africans were not as passive in their role as this symbol suggests, their continual fight against slavery was the main contributing factor to its abolition.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: c1860
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:65.217
Leg irons

Leg irons. These would have sometimes been worn by enslaved Africans.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: unknown
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:70.80
Frederick Douglass

Framed portrait: Frederick Douglass , by Ben Shahn. Douglass was a freed slave in America who worked for the Abolition cause which campaigned against the slave trade.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Creator: Ben Shahn
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:67.40
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