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Stables at Mountravers

Photograph of Stables at Mountravers. Part of the early stable building used to house the horses that worked on the plantation.
Mountravers , on the island of Nevis in the Caribbean, was one of the plantations belonging to the Pinney family. John Pinney came to live in Bristol in 1783.
Date: 2001
Copyright: Elizabeth Rhodes
Chimney of Kitchen at Mountravers

Photograph of Chimney at Mountravers.
Picture shows the original stone chimney of the kitchen fireplace at Pinney�s house Mountravers early 18th century.
Mountravers , on the island of Nevis in the Caribbean, was one of the plantations belonging to the Pinney family. John Pinney came to live in Bristol in 1783.
Date: 2001
Copyright: Elizabeth Rhodes
Pathfinders poster (detail)

Pathfinders poster (detail).
James Beckwourth was a daring frontiersman and Indian fighter who became a Chief of the Crow Indians, Army scout, gold prospector and fur trapper. His most valuable contribution, however, was the discovery of a pass through the Sierra Nevadas in 1850.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: 1800s
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.179.12
Photograph of St Thomas Church

St Thomas Church. One of the oldest Anglican churches on Nevis, and containing many interesting memorials.
Date: 2001
Copyright: Elizabeth Rhodes
World War I poster (detail)

World War I poster (detail).
The 369th Infantry Regiment in the trenches in France, April 4, 1918. Called the Harlem Hell Fighters, this divsion earned the French Croix de Guerre . (Cross of War).
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: April 4, 1918
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.179.10
World War II poster (detail)

World War II poster (detail). The poster reads, If negro men can carry guns for Uncle Sam surely they can drive milk wagons for Bowman Dairy. The poster is highlighting the irony of the American law in relation to black citizens, at the time of World War II.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: c 1939-45
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.179.9
The Last Frontier poster (detail)

The Last Frontier poster (detail).
This rare photograph of four United States lawmen in Oklahoma shows Amos Maytubby (Indian), Zeke Millar (White), and Neely Factor and Bob Fortune (Negro) – all United States Deputy Marshals.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in todays terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: c late 1800s
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.179.8
Southern Reconstruction poster (detail)

Southern Reconstruction poster (detail).
Representative Jeremiah Haralson of Alabama was one of twenty two black people elected to Congress between 1870 and 1898. In 1875. He asked for more schools for Negroes and whites and suggested federal aid to education as a means of financing their construction.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: c1870s
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.179.7
Inventors and Scientists poster (detail)

Inventors and Scientists poster (detail).
Lynn Matzeliger, a Lynn, Massachusetts cobbler, was only 30 when he invented a machine that vastly simplified shoe manufacture. When he died several years later from tuberculosis, he left his money to a church.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.179.6
Abolitionism poster (detail)

Abolitionism poster (detail): Poster produced by Abolitionists, who were campaigning to end the slave trade.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: April 1851
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.179.5
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