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End of Slavery poster (detail)

End of Slavery poster (detail).
Part of the caption below the picture reads:
Emancipation meant a chance to receive an education. (Emancipation was the end of slavery when slaves were freed).
The picture seems to show, ex-slaves in Charleston, South Carolina , America, being eduacted. Most slaves were deprived of an education whilst working for their owners. This left them with few skills with which to build their new lives after Emancipation. To receive an education was very important.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: c1860s
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.179.2
Slave Resistance poster (detail)

Slave Resistance poster (detail of top right picture).
Enslaved Africans often resisted, or rebelled against, their status.
The caption below the detail reads:
Harriet Tubman liberated 300 slaves.
Harriet Tubman liberated (or freed) 300 slaves in nineteen trips to the South. General Tubman lived until 1913, devoting her life to helping others.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.179.4
Civil War poster (detail)

Civil War poster (detail), showing Major Martin R Delany, the first black field officer in America’s history.
The American Civil War began in 1861. It was fought mainly over the issue of whether the different states in the Union had the right to allow slavery in their own state. Most of the southern states supported slavery, most of the northern states were opposed to it. The war ended in 1865, and slavery was abolished throughout the United States.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: c1860s
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:74.179.1 detail
Book of poems by slave, Phillis Wheatley

Book called Poems on various subjects, religious and moral, by Phillis Wheatley, Negro servant to Mr John Wheatley, of Boston, New England.
Phillis Wheatley was enslaved at the age of about eight, and taken from Africa to America. She was taught to read by the Wheatley family, learning very fast and began to write. The book begins with a list of reputable people from Boston certifying that the poems were written by Phillis Wheatley, as many people did not believe that a black slave could write so well. Her poems often reflect her adopted Christian religion.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: 1773
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:73.236
Detail: mortage of plantation, 99 slaves

Detail of mortgage of plantation and 99 slaves.
Mortgage by widow Evariste Lauve in favour of Gustave S Dufossat.
Evariste Lauve owed Gustave S Dufossat about £600.
To settle the debts, she agreed payment by a mortgage on two properties. In addition she mortgaged 99 slaves.
Recorded in Parish of Iberville on the 6 April 1859, state of Louisiana – Parish of Orleans, USA.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:72.210(detail)
Sale certificate of a slave (detail)

Sale certificate for 150 dollars of a 52 year old slave called Haramatias Abraham to Jean Charles David (detail), 1849. Framed.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
The language used to describe people of African descent in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is unacceptable in today’s terms. We cannot avoid using this language in its original context. To change the words would impose 20th century attitudes on history.
Date: 1849
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:70.125(detail B)
Bill of sale of slave, Cipo (reverse)

Framed 18th century bill of sale of slave Cipo (reverse), sold by Mehetible Wilkins.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: 18th Century
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:68.043(reverse)
Slave families sale (right detail)

Slave families sale notice (right detail). The title of the right detail of the notice (pictured) reads Catalogue. It lists 98 individuals by name and age in family groupings, with brief comments as to their state of health. The left hand side of the notice announces the sale, in New Orleans, of families of slaves.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: April 10th 1855
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:66.163(right)
Slave families sale notice

Slave families sale notice. The left detail of the notice announces the sale, in New Orleans, of families of slaves. The right detail of the notice is a Catalogue, or list, of 98 individuals to be sold. They are listed by name and age in family groupings, with brief comments as to their state of health.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Date: April 10th 1855
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:66.163
Anti-slavery pamphlet

Volume 2, number 2 of an anti-slavery pamphlet, called The Slaves’ Friend. Framed.
The pamphlet contains articles of writing against the slave trade. Pamphlets such as this were a tool of the abolitionists in their fight to end the trade in slaves.
The articles are called: The Coffle Yoke (top left), The Happy Man, Slave Products, Gods Ravens, The Cart-Whip (bottom right), The Lump of Gold and New Sugar.
Contributed by John Judkyn Memorial.
Copyright: The American Museum in Britain, Bath
Object ID:66.077
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