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An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
![An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade](/images/sized/images/uploads/slavery/Act_for_Abolition_of__Slave_Trade-312x400.jpg)
Document: An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 25th March 1807. The abolition of the slave trade in British territories and ships took effect on 1st May 1807.
Date: 25th March 1807
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Spanish jar
![Spanish jar](/images/sized/images/uploads/slavery/Spanish_jar-284x400.jpg)
Spanish jar, to hold oil or wine. Found in the mud of Bristols floating harbour, showing that Bristol was trading with Spain.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:G313
Cowrie shells
![Cowrie shells, traded across Africa](/images/sized/images/uploads/slavery/Cowrie_shells-400x400.jpg)
Cowrie shells, Congo. Traded across Africa from the Indian Ocean.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:E 1545
Boxes for gold dust
![Boxes for gold dust from Asante people of Ghana](/images/sized/images/uploads/slavery/Boxes_for_gold_dust-400x400.jpg)
Boxes for gold dust from the Asante people of Ghana. Gold dust was currency used in areas of West Africa.
Creator: Asante
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:Ea 9340, 9342, 10029
Geometric weight for gold dust
![Geometric weight for gold dust from Asante people](/images/sized/images/uploads/slavery/Geometric_weight_for_gold_dust-400x400.jpg)
Weight for gold dust, in geometric shape, from the Asante people of Ghana. Weights like this may be based on Islamic system.
Creator: Asante
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:Ea 9128
Weights for gold dust
![Weights for gold dust from Asante people of Ghana](/images/sized/images/uploads/slavery/Weights_for_gold_dust-400x242.jpg)
Weights for gold dust in shape of armed man and gun, from the Asante people of Ghana. Figurative weights may have African proverb/ saying.
Creator: Asante
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:Ea 9345, 9384
Adala anklets
![Adala anklets from Igbo people of Nigeria](/images/sized/images/uploads/slavery/Adala_anklets-400x400.jpg)
Adala anklets, from the Igbo people of Nigeria. Worn by young women ready to marry. Show wealth.
Creator: Igbo
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:Ea 4289 - 90
Edo people armlet
![Armlet from the Edo people of Benin](/images/sized/images/uploads/slavery/Edo_people__armlet-400x400.jpg)
This is an armlet from the Edo people of Benin. Cuffs such as these were worn by Benin chiefs when dressed in regalia, and refer to a time when trade brought new prosperity to Benin. Metal such as brass was brought into the country by Europeans as a valued material to trade. This armlet is made from sheet metal, and was hammered to make the raised design of three figures, which possibly represent Europeans, either traders or soldiers.
Creator: Edo
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:Ea 9870
Spirit husband figure
![Spirit husband figure from Baule people](/images/sized/images/uploads/slavery/Spirit_husband_figure-376x400.jpg)
Blobo bian or spirit husband figure from the Baule people of the Ivory Coast.
Creator: Baule
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:E 475
Divination bowl
![Divination bowl](/images/sized/images/uploads/slavery/Divination_bowl-267x400.jpg)
Wooden divination bowl, with two birds holding dish, Nigeria.
Date: unknown
Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum
Object ID:E1458a
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